Saturday, 26 November 2022

What are the Factors to Consider for Buying Home Saunas?


Home saunas make a private getaway you fall in love with after busy work and family life. They promise a world of relaxation, health, and reinvigoration benefits. But only some home sauna kits are the same.

There is a wide range to choose from, varying in significant factors that can be challenging to even the savviest sauna enthusiasts. Fortunately, finding the proper home sauna is as simple as understanding some important sauna basics. First, look at a few outlined key features and differences of a home sauna system.

Heating Process

To start with, a traditional sauna is typically heated by a wood-fired and electric sauna heater that heats the air inside the sauna room, which has the name steam or dry heat sauna. Infrared saunas use advanced infrared sauna heaters to keep your body warm. When your body absorbs infrared heat energy, it increases thermal energy intake, resulting in deep and relaxing sweat.

Home Saunas


Another difference you should consider is the heat intensity. The infrared sauna provides a much milder temperature of 120-150 degrees Fahrenheit, whereas the traditional saunas have a souring temperature of 150-175 Fahrenheit. When comparing sauna room temperature, the outdoor barrel sauna takes the top spot, and in the conventional model, the temperature remains between 176 and 194 Fahrenheit.

Sauna Room Experience –

The traditional sauna is still the most popular option among all sauna users. The traditional sauna experience is a must for people seeking intensely warm because of direct heat dispersion through the air. The light emitted from infrared saunas goes deep inside the body, encouraging a more vigorous sweat despite the lower and more comfortable temperature.

Consider the shape.

 For some sauna enthusiasts, deciding the shape of a home sauna is a matter of aesthetics. The sauna kit shape can help you determine how evenly the heat is spread throughout the room.             

When you choose a square sauna, heat tends to pool at the top of the sauna by preventing convection. But in a barrel sauna kit, the room curvature helps push down the upper heat to the sides and back to the sauna when the new heat rises from the heater. That’s why barrel saunas are highly preferred over square shape sauna kits.

Home Saunas

Consider the heating system.

Electric heaters are chosen for convenience purposes. With a simple touch of a button, the sauna can be turned on at a precise, predetermined temperature. Most modern home saunas come with an electric heater. Electric heaters are available at a range of price points for any budget but will still affect your utility bill.

Wood-fired sauna stoves are extremely popular as they are traditional practices for sauna heating. A wood-burning sauna heater is right for you if a rustic, authentic sauna experience is on your top priority list. The wood-fired sauna heaters require a little maintenance and safety measures; but are highly affordable than other alternatives.

Bottom Line –

If you have decided to invest in home saunas, please check out an extensive range of home sauna kits available at Northern Lights Cedar Barrel Saunas. We have a wide selection of sauna packages best match your sauna priorities and preferences. For more information about our sauna kits, please contact with us today at +1-800-759-8990.  

Thursday, 3 November 2022

Zobni vsadki Artident

Potrebujete zobne vsadke? Zobna klinika Artident vam ponuja najboljše zobne vsadke, ki jih namestijo strokovnjaki. Bodite brez skrbi, saj si boste znova povrnili žvečilno moč in čudovit nasmeh. Da, prav ste prebrali. Artident svojim pacientom ponuja varne in kakovostne zobne vsadke, s katerimi si zagotovite dobro zdravje zob. Poslovite se od poškodovanih ali manjkajočih zob. Nudimo vam zanesljive rešitve.

Vsi, ki sodelujejo pri procesu implantacije, naj gre za zobozdravnike ali zobotehnike, so strokovno usposobljeni. Celoten proces poteka brez težav in je popolnoma varen. Tu smo za naše paciente. Dogovorite se za posvet, na katerem bo obravnavana vaša situacija. Podrobno si bomo ogledali vašo težavo z zobmi, da lahko nato izberemoprimerno metodo implantacije.

Številni naši pacienti so zadovoljni s svojo implantacijo, saj vedno poskrbimo za najkvalitetnejše vsadke.

Kaj so zobni vsadki in kaj je njihov namen? Vsadki se vstavijo v čeljustno kost. To storimo zato, da preprečimo obrabo preostalih zob.

Kako veste, da ste pravi kandidat za implantacijo? Poleg dobre ustne higiene morate biti tudi zdravi. Tkivo mora biti brez znakov parodontalne bolezni.


Zobni vsadki po vsaditvi potrebujejo 4-6 mesecev, da se kost in vsadek popolnoma združita. Površina vsadka je izdelana iz titana, kar zagotavlja popolno biološko vez s kostjo.

Številne neprijetnosti lahko omilimo, na primer nadomestimo zob z vsadkom in krono. S tem se zmanjša obraba sosednjih zob. Nadomestimo lahko tudi več manjkajočih zob, kar storimo s parom vsadkov. Izdelamo lahko tudi fiksni mostiček, pritrjen na vsadke, s katerim zapolnimo vse manjkajoče zobe v zgornji ali spodnji čeljusti.

Z vsadki je mogoče stabilizirati zobne proteze in ponovno vzpostaviti želeno funkcijo. Zato so zobni vsadki zelo dobrodošli. Naročite se na posvet in preverite, katera vrsta zobne implantacije je primerna za vas.

Zakaj čakati, če ste že našli pravo in zanesljivo zobno kliniko, ki vam bo ponudila prave zobne vsadke?

Prepričani smo, da vam bodo vsadki pričarali lep nasmeh, povrnili žvečilno moč in ohranili preostalo zobovje.

Za podrobnejše informacije o cenah zobnih vsadkov si oglejte priloženi seznam.

Čim prej se obrnite na nas, z veseljem vam bomo pomagali.

Za dobro zdravje zob poskrbi le Artident.

5 Reasons Why Most Sauna Users Invest in Outdoor Saunas

When looking for sauna kits, most sauna users have two choices, i.e., indoor and outdoor saunas. Both are useful in their own way. However, there are so many compelling reasons behind investing in outdoor saunas. Most people are currently choosing outdoor kitchens, patios with fire pits, and much more. In addition, outdoor saunas may be more visually appealing. Read the five reasons why most sauna users install outdoor sauna kits in their own backyards.

5 Reasons to Invest in Outdoor Saunas

Your sauna retreat helps you escape from your busy life for a while. Many sauna kits are designed to take full advantage of the beauty of your yard space and the surrounding scenery.

Outdoor Saunas

1. Easy to Assemble

There are so many pre-fabricated sauna kits available on the market now, with Northern Lights Solar Solutions providing some of the best packages. The decision is totally up to you to choose the size and type of your outdoor sauna kit. That makes the planning process pretty exciting.

Outdoor sauna kits are engineered with easy assembly in mind. All the parts you will need for the installation come with the kit, along with instruction details on how to put the pieces together. For handy people, installation can be quick and easy and a perfect opportunity to plan a party out of it with your friends.

Though you have decided to get an outdoor sauna, you won’t have any issues with venting. In addition, there is no need to make a hole inside your home, making the installation much simple.

Outdoor Saunas

2. Serving Dual Purposes

Larger outdoor saunas can make you more use of your investment. They are wonderful in cold weather. When you install one, you won’t need a pool house.

You will be able to extend the pool season. With the heating of a sauna kit, even the cold weather gives you fun-filled experiences by taking a quick dip between sessions.

3. Space Saving

One of the main reasons behind using an outdoor sauna is that you don’t need to set aside a specific space inside your home. For example, most people don’t have large master bedrooms or an additional room to make it a sauna room. Hence, outdoor saunas are perfect for smaller homes and large families.

4. Privacy

If you have a curious kid at home, you will need more privacy to enjoy some personal time. What better way to enjoy me-time than an outdoor sauna? When you install a sauna near your master bath, it is still inside your house, and you will hear everything going around you.

Outdoor saunas give a peaceful space to unwind and relax. You will be able to learn a new, refreshing meaning of “Time to myself.” They can be perfect for those who work from home. Combining work with your own home can affect your emotional well-being. If you want to detach and relax after coming home at the end of the workday, you should get an outdoor sauna.

Outdoor Saunas

5. Home Improvement

Landscaping your yard space can be a good pursuit. Now just imagine centering your outdoor efforts surrounding the rustic charm of a sauna. Outdoor saunas are the most attractive and functional alternatives to your outdoor space.

Currently, many homebuyers are looking for that kind of emotionally appealing aspect while looking for homes. However, an outdoor sauna kit can be artfully integrated into your landscaping to enhance your property value.

Bottom Line –

When considering ease, purpose, space, value, and privacy, getting an outdoor sauna makes sense. If you want a meditative retreat and a change of pace, you may get an outdoor sauna. No matter whatever the reason behind your investment, you should start looking for outdoor saunas at Northern Lights Cedar Barrel Saunas. Browse our indoor and outdoor saunas and make the proper selection complementing your home and your preferences.